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Hello! I am a registered dietitian nutritionist licensed in the state of Montana, offering virtual sessions throughout Montana and some in-person services in the beautiful Gallatin Valley. 

I grew up in Helena, Montana and as with many Montana kids, I was in 4-H, camped, hiked, shoveled snow. But most of my time was spent with horses. First, riding in the north hills which were basically my backyard, then at professional horse training barns. It was there that I learned to love hard work, experienced disappointment, joy, and was always with animals that are to this day my favorite creatures. After graduating high school, I earned a BA in Social Sciences at the University of Montana. Then on my way to what I thought would be graduate school for counseling, I stumbled upon somatic therapy and took a sharp turn to Salt Lake City for massage therapy school. Wonderful opportunities and life experiences unfolded for me from there. From SLC and Park City to Italy to Minneapolis, I was back in Helena after 10+ years to call it home once again. I opened a small private practice and built a loving clientele, of whom I am still in touch with. After nearly 14 years of massage therapy, I returned to school to earn my BS in Dietetics at Montana State University. Bozeman became my home where I live with my husband and son, our little Boston Terrier, and a flock of chickens.

At the top of my list of "loves" is gardening. My spaces keep expanding to accommodate the new vegetables that I want to grow and the flowers that are becoming heavily incorporated. Beekeeping is likely in our little homestead's near future, stay tuned for that! My other passion project is reclaiming the health of our little piece of land. Bringing it back to life slowly with sustainable and ecologically friendly methods is a constant practice in patience and humility. Still, I get excited about native shrubs, grasses, and biological warfare on noxious weeds. Never before did I think I would be stoked about a bucket of weevils. But here we are. 

And food. Love it. Comes with the territory I suppose. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And if not there, I spend a lot of time reading cookbooks. One of my favorite things my husband does for me is bringing cookbooks home from thrift stores, used bookstores, garage sales. Baking is on the brain most days. Nothing like mastering a rough puff pastry for a homemade chicken pot pie in the middle of a Montana winter. Or a fresh cottage loaf to go along with a light dinner when time is crunched. I love connecting with our history through food. I love sharing food with others. And for me, making myself a nice plate of food is my expression of self-love. 

What I do professionally is what I do personally. I am excited everyday to share it with others, and I hope to share it with you! Please reach out with any questions about my services or stay in touch via email newsletters and social media. I wish the best for you on your journey!

My Approach

I am a certified Intuitive Eating counselor. As such, found throughout all conversations is a weight-inclusive dialogue. Intuitive eating is not a diet program but a 10-step process toward healing your relationship with food and with your body. My years as a bodyworker gave me a deep appreciation of how interconnected the human body is. It is this, in partnership with intuitive eating, that informs my approach which looks at the entire picture when on the journey to health. In addition to your metabolic health (i.e. what is your bloodwork telling us?), we explore a variety of aspects of health such as your relationship with self (both present and future), daily practices and habits, your support team for mental health, and the physical movement you have throughout your week, to name a few. With this work, you learn how to trust your body again, that it will tell you what you need, how much, and when. Here is where you regain attunement with your mind and body, find peace with food, and a renewed sense of self-love and self-compassion. Schedule your free discovery call now to chat more!

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