Intuitive Eating
Work With Me
As a certified Intuitive Eating counselor, found throughout all conversations is a weight-inclusive dialogue. Intuitive eating is not a diet program but a 10-step process toward healing your relationship with food and with your body.
The goal of this work is to gain agency in your life and to start laying the solid foundation on which you will begin healing your relationship with food. Here is where you regain attunement with your mind and body, find peace with food, and a renewed (or new) sense of self-love and self-compassion.
The Intuitive Eating (IE) framework was developed by registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND. They define IE as a personal journey of discovery, a mind-body integration of instinct, rational thought, and emotions. There are 10-principles of IE that work together in two specific ways: to cultivate awareness and to remove obstacles to attunement.
What IE is NOT:
It is not a diet. The framework’s 10 principles are not 10 rules to eating. Chronic dieters are often able to find ways to make it a diet and that goes against its very purpose.
It is not a call to throw all care for self and health out the window. There is a lot of chatter out there that uses the language of intuitive eating, HAES, or of an anti-diet movement, but does not acknowledge the actual work of healing damaged connections with food and one’s body. As a result, it can be quite damaging to health.
10-principles of IE:
Reject the diet mentality (and as important, the diet culture)
Honor your hunger
Make peace with food
Challenge the food police
Feel your fullness
Discover the satisfaction factor
Coping with your feelings without using food
Respect your body
Feel the difference
Gentle nutrition
Studies have associated IE with:
Greater body appreciation and satisfaction
Positive emotional functioning
Greater life satisfaction
Unconditional self-regard and optimism
Psychological hardiness
Greater motivation to exercise, when focus is on enjoyment rather than guilt or appearance.
Research has also shown that IE was inversely related to:
Disordered eating
Poor interoceptive awareness
Internalization of the thin ideal
There is a significant body of research dating as far back as the 1970’s concluding that dieting does more harm than good; yet we are still bombarded with an outpouring of books, medical advice, and social norms that tell us to do otherwise.
Consider that dieting has been linked to:
Slowed metabolism and further weight gain
Weight cycling which is linked to increased insulin resistance
Depression, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm
Low self-worth
Disordered eating which has been linked to the later development of eating disorders
What does a life free of dieting mean to you?
Are you ready to reconnect with your mind and body, to nurture your innate wisdom, to just be yourself?
Schedule a free 30-minute consult to chat more.
I look forward to answering your questions, hearing your goals, and providing any additional information you may need. Then, if you are ready, we can schedule your first Intuitive Eating session!